
Showing posts from December, 2014

ADAMAWA: Wealth right under our feet (5)

What we are trying to do is to awaken people’s consciousness towards redirecting their energy into creating economic activities using the abundant natural gifts around us. This endeavour could be small or big; what really matters is engaging the mind to provide wealth and employment opportunities using the very simple things around us that we have been taking for granted. One of these things that the Adamawa people take for granted is dairy, or simply put, milk. Yes milk. As was discussed in our last article, Adamawa State is endowed with high concentration of livestock. This invariably means so much potential for the making of dairy products for commercial purpose.  Dairy product summarily means ‘anything food made out of milk from animals like cows, goats, sheep, camels’. In some other climes, they get dairy products also from ‘buffaloes and horses’. Some of these products are gotten through simple process of heating or pasteurization. According to, “pasteu...

ADAMAWA: Wealth right under our feet (4)

Tannery consist the conversation of raw hide or animal skin into leather for manufacture of products ranging from shoes, bags, belt, furniture, car interior, strap for wrist watches and other leather accessories. Tannery has been an important part of processing leather into finished products for world consumption. The importance of tannery was emphasized by the launch of Tannery of the year award programme for global tanning industry in 2009. This is to promote the use of leather material in car and aeroplane interiors etc. In April, 2014, according to Wikipedia, two tanneries to feature being Bojos Tanning, Santiago, Dominican Republic, and JBS Couros, Itumbiara, Goias, Brazil. Reports on these two finalists will appear in the April-May, 2014 issue of World Leather. Africa  too is not left alone in tanning business, “the domestic livestock population of Ethiopia is estimated today at some 40 million heads of cattle, 25 million of sheep and 24 million goats, yielding to the t...

Open letter to the Emir of Kano

His royal highness, The Emir of Kano, Kano Emirate council. Allah juttu’nu on balde, Sir, We are all grieving from incessant attacks on us and our places of worship, schools and markets. These attacks don’t seem to come to an end or even subside. We feel this new bold move is influenced by you calling civilians to defend each other and the disapproval of the Senate for the elongation of the state of emergency imposed on Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States. It all appears those murderers want the continuation of bloodshed and that is why they are feeling threatened by your call to our collective defence. But history will judge you and the present Legislative arm of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as defenders of their representative. I am writing to you so that you can continue to amplify and bring up ways for the generality of people to be able to identify terror suspects and stop them in time before they harm us. I am writing to you because people listen to you both in Ni...

ADAMAWA: Wealth right under our feet (3)

For a long time domestic and international observers in politics and socio-economy have been offering analysis that will influence the handlers of our prosperity to diversify our Country’s economy. They have foreseen the widening tear in the mono-economy which relies heavily on oil; from a little tear it has become in shreds. Dwindling oil reserves, falling markets, oil theft and massive corruption seems to be some contending forces dragging the economy to doldrums.    Ironically even with the World Bank consultants running the economy in Nigeria, they have woefully failed to be proactive in slowing down the ‘free negative sliding’ of the economy. For this, they have received a series of knocks on the head.    Atiku Abubakar, a leading presidential aspirant in Nigeria criticised the recent austerity measures announced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), saying “We should no longer continue to build our castle in the air” referring to the proposed crude b...