Husband scarcity hits the North
The Northern tribes especially the Hausa-Fulani have often exhibit condescending traits of their tribes and culture. They have always abhorred foreign cultures, especially those regarded as Christian. With the Advent of social media, globalization is knocking down most of the Northern Nigeria pristine cultures and has exposed the hidden beast in most of the Arewa cultures. At the forefront of these casualties are the young female folks. Remember the preposterous husband video challenge that nearly ended up some marriages? That was just some emerging deviant behavioral trends creeping on the Northern cultures of morality, piety, patience, reticence and docility Some one said docility is a "necessary part of man's equipment for virtuous living. That docility is now being eroded especially as some young girls decide to advertise their needs for husband's as started by a pretty lady called Salmerh Umar via her Twitter handle @SalmerhUmar. "I can't hide my feel...