
Showing posts from May, 2016

Yola South: the burden of a council chairman

The process of electing new leaders into position of authority in our communities is always frightening, whether it is local elections or national, or even international. The upcoming US presidential elections is a case of point. The world is holding its breath as a fascist who is oppose to globalization is inching closer to clinching the Republican Party nomination. While Hilary Clinton who had lived most of her adult live within Government shadows is a ‘painful lier’. It is evident that a majority of voters in the US, according to CNN, ‘have negative opinions of the candidates and say that both Clinton and Trump are dishonest’. In America, dishonesty is a big deal, is it really so in our communities? Whether you are in APC or Mega Progressive People's Party (MPPP), who becomes the next Local Government Chairman should interest you greatly. People are fed up with the status quo, as exemplified during the last presidential election giving birth to Buhari’s change. At the Stat...


Forwarded as Received:          In discussing this very volatile issue, let me make one point very clear. I speak from a very informed perspective. This is not just one of those social commentaries. I worked in the downstream petroleum sector for about 36 months as legal counsel and this was at the peak of the subsidy crisis. I handled and prepared critical documents, advised on transactions and participated in the subsidy scheme as a staff of one of the biggest indigenous players in the sector. I have a perfect understanding of the system from the point where these products are negotiated and bought from refineries abroad to the contract for their shipping, from arrival at the Port in Nigeria to the inspections and the final destination at designated tank farms, so I speak with authority. When the subsidy probe started, I also made several submissions to the National Assembly Committees and also was at the EFCC during the investigations. Weak and reactive lead...

Who is the tree trunk?

#EFCC must stop shaking only the tree branches, the fallen leaves are dirtying the shade. The trunk must be uprooted. #BornAgainNig