
Showing posts from February, 2015


 St Valentine was beaten to death and the corpse was left to rot on the street. Yet people all over the world celebrate this absurdity every middle of February by sending out gifts to one another.  Some others express their feelings through various ways apart from sending gifts.  Mine was a curious package I got from a political party here in Adamawa State. I still can not exactly explain what it is meant for, I therefore termed it a valentine gift.  I would like to say that the gift is very insulting to me. I am still mulling over how to properly 'receive' it. Usually I do not allow such things to pass, but I have a strength in the saying that 'patience is a virtue'.  Politics is a curious thing. It is teaching me to be strong, assertive, focus and be very clear, to be firm as well as flexible. Believe me it has taught me to be a man of my words, it has taught me to guard my integrity; what I have learnt in a large dos e is most politicians are si...

Youths arise

"Every day becomes a tomorrow, I believe our tomorrow is now. Let's hold onto our future starting today .  We are young, strong, determined and have a long future ahead of us. Do not be deterred by the Government's trickery to weaken and divide us. Some older politicians also lie and deceive us; their integrity is shallow, their words empty. Do not trust them anymore.  Politics determines our economy, our social system. It determines who gets what, when and how. I therefore urge our youths to get involve actively and peacefully in the current political process so that we can say who Govern over us, so that we can strongly demand what kind of jobs we want and we can design a better policy that can cater for our aged parents, our pregnant wives and our dear children.